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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Homework: Analyse print ad

Above is a print advert of Head&Shoulders (2in1). Personally i think this ad is very specific on its target audience, the use of colour suggest this, ( light colours including; pink and light blue). This therefore plays a big part in selling the shampoo. In all the ads for this shampoo, there is always a slogan to relate to a specific audience.
In this ad we can see that the shampoo is mostly aimed at females as the "SILK" and "SHINY" suggests this, being in blue and pink font makes it stand out. This is a prime example of product aimed to sell to female audiences as they have used a slogan to represent their product, "A TRUE ANGEL FOR SILK & SHINY HAIRS", this instantly has a huge affect on who this may be sold to. These specifications help to sell this product as they have used simple but femnine wordings such as the title (angel in town), this gives us an idea  that if this shampoo is useed, it can make you feel so good and pure that once used you'll feel like an angel.

They have the main product in the middle of the ad which can grab peoples attentions very easily as they have made it unusual by using hair as the wings of an angel, this can therefore be eye catching for people going past as it is something different, and can be easily remebered which makes the product more popular.

 It is as if they are saying that you hair can be part of an angel if you use their product. The typography is carefully designed so that it doesn't take much attention away from the product as the font colour is very similar to the background colour used.

Taking everything all this ad has presented in consideration, i think that this product is mostly aimed at females, whom are interested in having silky and shiny hair, any age between 15-45. Furthermore,I do belive that men can also relate to this but as head&shoulders specifies its audience for e.g, when they mention (for men) but i also think it may be good to have a product all couples can both benefit from.

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